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Rob Pearlstone is an Ontario Realtor with ReMax Canada. We recently started working with Rob to create: Real Estate Video Tours (as needed), monthly REELS and Real Estate Stats Vlogs, and HDR photographs (as needed). All with the goal of growing his local brand awareness and followers, as well as generating new leads.


Real Estate Tours

Digital video has become a key to real estate marketing strategy. Unlike listing photos or 360 click-through tours, videos give a better idea of what the home will actually look like when potential buyers walk through the property.


The video below was created for our client Rob Pearlstone, who effectively sold this home within 5 days of posting the video on his website and social media pages.

Real Estate REELS

Short viral video marketing is the way of the future. That's why it's important to start posting REELs, TikToks & YouTube shorts to promote your product and/or services. Even better if the content you post on your business page aligns with a current trend that may help to boost your algorithm, and your following, eventually leading to sales.


When we create REELS with Rob Pearlstone, we have a monthly content meeting to go over the songs & themes that are trending and come up with ideas on how to make our version of that trend relate to his industry.


Below are some of our favourite REELS that we've collaborated on!

Real Estate Vlogs

Posting consistent informative vlogs positions you as someone who's knowledgeable in your field of work and can help make you stand out amongst the competition. That's why we've included it in the digital marketing strategy for Rob Pearlstone. 


Every month we get together to discuss how we want to roll out the latest Real Estate stats in an effective, and polished video using graphics, graphs, BRoll and interesting camera movements.

HDR Photos

Did you know that 32% of homes sell faster with photos than those without and that high-quality images are 74% more likely to encourage a potential buyer to reach out to the realtor? Showcase your properties with HDR - High Dynamic Range - photographs! 


Below are some of our favourite HDR images that we've taken for clients like Rob Pearlstone.

If you're a realtor looking to present your client's properties in an effective, dynamic video, reach out to us via our contact page or connect over social media. @ParkerMediaInc.

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Video Tours
Stats video
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Keep in touch - follow us @parkermediainc on all social channels!

*Please note that Parker Media has a strict no-refund policy on deposits or pre-payments.*

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